Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Where are you?

Where are you when I'm all alone in bed? It's been almost 5 months since we were next to eachter. Five months without feeling your strong arms around me. Five months pretending to be strong while falling apart inside. Five months trying to remember our last night together.

Where are you when he asks about you? He doesnt remember the last time he saw you, but I do. You were taken into a room never to be seen again. We sat between a glass window crying over two telephones. We couldn't believe it happened, but he just didn't understand. When we got up to go our separate ways he waited for you to come through the door, but you never did. He repeated the story we told him for four months. He loved visiting you every weekend until that day in August when you got on a plane and the visits stopped.

Where are you when I need you? The only man I've ever truly loved, the man who has been my husband for five years, the man who held my hand so tightly and kissed my cheek that morning in April when you left.......where are you?

I will think about where you are every day until I can say you are here with me again.


Blogger Organica said...

I will make lots of duaa for your family habibity.

4:00 AM  
Blogger Yosra said...

Ramadan Kareem Sweet Sister,

Habibti! It is so sad for me that you are sad. Inshahallah, Ramadan will make you feel more connected to your man, to the righteous in the world, and to Allah.

Please reach out to me. I would love to "be there" for you. :)

4:12 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Asalam Alaikum
My dear sister, I am so sad for you right now. I will keep you in my dua.

4:31 PM  
Blogger wayfarer said...


Duas going your way...

6:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This brought tears to my eyes. I didn't read it until just now (I just got off the phone with you - and insha'allah I want to keep in better touch with you, because I love you & your son).

You are and will be in my prayers.

Even though some time might go by sometimes before we hear from each other (but like I said I intend to keep in better contact), I'm here in this life, supporting you in everything you do, praying for you, willing and wanting to listen to everything any time, respecting you (oh so much! masha'allah), and loving you as your friend & sister in Islam.

May Allah bless you & your family, and make this path easy and good for you, in life and in your hearts. May He fill your hearts with peace and patience. Ameen.


1:50 PM  
Blogger Houda said...

Salam alaikum

This brought tears to my eyes. I dont understand the whats, wheres and hows but you are in my duas

12:19 AM  

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