Saturday, June 14, 2008


Sorry for being away so long. Life here is hectic. We're dealing with rising food and gas costs like everyone else. A big alhamdulillah for a good paying job and benefits. I know that not everyone is as lucky as we are.

For the first time in 14 months, I can start to see some progress. Slowly but surely we are moving forward and getting closer to the day my husband can come home. We found out yesterday evening that his interview at the Consulate in Algiers is scheduled for July 12. That doesn't mean that he will be on the first plane out. NO! It is actually the next step towards the second phase of waiting and sadly we don't know how long that phase will be. InshaAllah it will top out at another year MAX. We will wait to see how things go for a few months after tlhe interview and then we will start making some tough decisions. Where will we go? Algeria? Louisiana? Right here? Only time will tell.

My little guy is almost 5. In exactly two months he will reach a big milestone....a half decade. WOW! He is enrolled in kindergarten and will be starting Quran, Arabic and Islamic studies on Saturdays as well InshaAllah. MashaAllah I think he knows more Quran than I did for the first 3 years that I was a muslim. I hope that he keeps his love of learning forever.

I'm enjoying the start of my three day weekend and awaiting the arrival of my mom next week. Did I tell you all what she's doing? Well, she's taking my son to Disney World for 5, that's right FIVE, weeks. He has never been away from me longer than overnight. He is super excited and I am so happy to be able to get decent sleep. I will also be taking my Boards to get my certifications while he is gone. I also hope to do a little bit of cleaning/organizing/throwing out of our junk while he is gone too. I will fly to Florida to pick him up the first week of August.

Please continue to keep us in your prayers, and as always you are in mine as well.